Monday, April 30, 2007
Here it is, what everyone's been waiting for!
Press Release:
Rosary Army and SQPN Launch "That Catholic Show" Video Series
4/30/2007 – 12:00 EST
CONYERS, GA - The Internet's most popular portal for Catholic podcasts has teamed up with another apostolate known for their dedication to spreading the Catholic faith to produce "That Catholic Show," a fun and different way of looking at Catholicism.
"That Catholic Show," a different and often surprising view of Catholicism, is a 5 minute video series available for free download via the Internet.
The new series is co-produced by the Star Quest Production Network ( and Rosary Army (, an apostolate dedicated to spreading the Catholic faith.
The premiere episode debuts on the SQPN and Rosary Army websites on April 30, 2007 and asks the burning question, "Do you ever wonder why Catholics sit, stand, and kneel so much?"
Not Your Typical Boring Religious Program
"Our goal is to take away some of the mystique and misconceptions people often have with Catholicism," says Greg Willits, co-creator and director of the series. "There are so many fun and interesting things about our faith, and we wanted to present these topics in a way that even non-Christian audiences would appreciate."
Taking a cue from popular cable channels such as Food Network and HGTV, the Willits' have created a show that handles unique topics with a light touch, making them immediately accessible.
"What we hope we've accomplished is to make a show that can be used to kick off discussions for RCIA classes, for LifeTeen groups, and for general conversations about Catholicism," says Rosary Army co-founder and show host Jennifer Willits.
Catholicism Like You've Never Seen Before
"Dynamic and different Catholic content is hard to come by," says Greg Willits. "But we believe there is a need for this kind of exciting media. We heard Pope John Paul II's call for a New Evangelization, and this is how we’re trying to answer."
"That Catholic Show" is also available for free download from and Apple's iTunes Podcast Directory.
For more information and links please visit,, and
View the first episode here:
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Important baseball game today! ! !
Good luck and have a great game, and a good time at the Marlins game.
And remember, no beer for you !
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I can't help that I'm a giant nerd. . .

Get Well Soon! ! !
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Shopping at the Piggly Wiggly

Monday, April 23, 2007
Sanjaya: King of Understatement?
"It was really weird."
Back in the saddle
Not quite. It was more like I took a break. We'll see what happens later. BAHAHA.
Anyway, here ya go, Mom.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
To Write Right
I'm working on a really neat project that will be released very soon--like, at the end of the month! It's been taxing and challenging and frustrating and exhilarating and all the cool adjectives that I can use. It's also a time suck like no other. My mother has pointed out that I seem to have taken a sabbatical from a column that I was writing, and that's my own fault, which I will rectify soon, but then it will be a word-suck and I'll be back in this place of empty tanks.
To be honest, that's a good thing. The shift from technical writing to this creative/other stuff has been long overdue, and part of the risk and part of the joy lies in the actual act. I've given myself permission to suck, and with it the opportunity to learn and grow. It's all in the process, after all.
This blog, for example, has served the need to produce words, but as I find other places to put those words, the tank here goes empty for a while. And yet, it is through here and other bloggers that I have found a connection and some inspiration.
"Solitude, competitiveness and grief are the unavoidable lot of a writer only
when there is no organization or network to which he can turn." --Toni Morrison
How true! I've been lucky to have found some interesting places for support, whether it has been purely entertaining and inspirational,--check out Wil Wheaton's commentaries on writing, or spot on right about the process--check out Bonnie Gillespie's brilliant treatise on writing correctly, or just plain fun and challenges to be creative in any way that inspires at Ink 'n Doodles Creative Workshop. It's not a commercial folks; it's more like a Public Service Announcement.
Happy trails. I hope you check back in on the 30th for the world premiere of a neat little project.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Oh dear, Mr. McCain
I'm at a loss. What a great country to allow the creation and distribution of this stuff. And yet...
Happy Birt
[This is me, ducking. I know there's a little unfinished business from me, too].
You know we love you!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Review: GaTech Concert Band
Monday, April 16, 2007
Cell Phones 37; Pop 0

Saturday, April 14, 2007
the passing of a different baton
Sadly, Neep has had an extended rest between visits, because keeping a car on campus has been prohibitive, and Vic, independent Vicky Sola that she is, hates the idea of always depending on her friends to give her a ride. She's picked up some odd jobs for the summer, including tutoring conducting to a drum major, so she needs something a little more reliable than Neep.
Neep is fantabulous for the 7 miles roundtrip from the high school. Sixty miles in and out of Atlanta, not so good.
Thus, her father decided to help her out by looking through the used cars in the area. It turns out, that buying new was only a couple $k more than the used car we were looking at, so here she is with the as yet un-named transporatation, complete with REAL new car smell. *
miracles DO happen
Yes, it's a coffee pot. The Coffee Pot War of 2006-2007 has ended. There was no fanfare, no confetti, no wild passionate kiss by an attractive and painfully young sailor.
No, the Coffee Pot War ended unremarkably with the statement: Hey boy, there's a coffee pot in the front seat of the truck. Go make half a pot.
That's it. I can't even comment on a truce. Life continued uninterupted. Albeit all the more delightful thanks to the caffeine.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
April 12 of 12 (2.0)
Anyway, if you're new to this whole 12 of 12 thing, you must have just emerged from a cave or something. but for the record, here's everything you need to know about it. Now go do it, or at least check out what everybody else around the world is doing today, April 12th.
It's still a cup to go, but it does make the morning commute more bearable. At least this time, you see my cup holder and not the obligatory tail lights.
Here I thought she was being serious, and this is what I get. Silliness supreme.
What is that? Disapproval? Condescension? Just plain incredulity?
Next fall's housing arrangements were posted, and she ended up precisely where she didn't want to be. Time to activate the Star and fix it. Fast.
This is the bonus picture: TAG
I thought she was done with tagging her hands with reminders, but there it is.
Nigel. Smiling? Hmmm
I loaded up my favorite podcasts from and...
Monday, April 09, 2007
The Catfish Festival
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Keith Richards, Again
Personally, I am fascinated by the whole thing. And, for the record, I don't beleive the rebuttal for a minute. But, here you go, judge for yourselves:
"The complete story is lost in the usual slanting. The truth of the matter
is I planted a sturdy English Oak."I see. Because that sounds like "I snorted my father's ashes." Just sayin'.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Stream of Consciousness
I have a friend who utters incredibly random things because the interior monologue was somehow released into the atmosphere, and we hear the third or fourth element in something that made sense if only we had been listening to it from the beginning.
Shamefully, I find myself increasingly guilty of doing that, too.
Every once in a while, in yet another literary response, I become aware of my discourse, and laugh it up, but more often than not my brain follows a path down a very bizarre road, and I seem to be content to let it wander there.
Today's random moment was generated by watching a bunny rabbit hop across the road and hippity-hop across a neighbor's yard, into some shrubbery.
What did it make me think of? Keeping my lunch money in my shoe.
Yeah, random right? I invite you down my mind's path: Of course, the rabbit, and the fact that I responded to it as a bunny, took me to my childhood. Once there, it was a no-brainer to days of freedom and little responsibility. No carrying around briefcases filled with work, no keeping up with car keys, cell phones, and checkbooks. In fact, no checkbooks at all. The only money I had to carry was for lunch. And even that I didn't need a wallet for, I just kept it in my shoe.
See? I'm not crazy. Just ask the voices in my head.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
In other, disturbing, news...
You have to wonder about people and sensationalism. It has not escaped me that I'm posting about it: how could I not? The whole thing is bizarre. That weird article is here, and here's a picture of him.
I've seen mummies that look younger and fresher than that. It should be a warning to everyone that snorting anything is probably not a good idea, least of all family members.
Not even close to a scoop,
Maybe it's real, maybe it isn't. It doesn't matter, it's still a pretty picture, and I love the composition. I once went through a period of taking pictures of the light rays from windows, too.

Sunday, April 01, 2007
MS Vista is a P.O.S.

Yeah, yeah, I know: what else is new?
That damn XP was just now working right, so they had to come out with a knock off of the dashboard. It's not even as nice to look at. And by the way, after doing everything in the world possible to get the computer running faster, now we have that stupid little delay while the graphics do a useless and not-so-entertaining little dance before fully opening up? I am not amused, or entertained. In fact, I'm angry enough to pack up the new laptop and send it back.
What those bastards at Microsoft know is that after investing a weekend into loading up the programs, I'm not going to do it. But let me tell you, that I'm not going to do it because it's my personal laptop and really all I do is email, wordprocessing and surfing. I'm not doing business with Microsoft, which is not going to affect their bottom line that much, but at the end of the year, when I have to think about switching over machines for my desktop publishing business, I'm running right back to that pretty little apple logo.
Gates won't care, or even notice, but I will.
And that's what matters to me.