We found Crocodile Dundee at Helen's Oktoberfest in the Georgia mountains.

Things must be tough in Hollywood; he seems to be the local troubador.
This morning, very early, I took Christy and Jonathan to the All-State auditions in some little-known backwoods town somewhere between Atlanta and Macon. When we got home, starved and punch drunk, John suggested we get lunch in Helen, two hours away. It was a brilliant idea. You couldn't ask for a more beautiful fall day, so we were game. Only, it's October. Duh, you say? Well, it's more like Homer Simpson's Doh!

This is what it looks like trying to get into Helen in October. We realized, a bit late, that maybe it wasn't such a brilliant idea afterall.

We entertained ourselves for an hour, while waiting to travel 2 miles...here's a self-portrait of me in my boredom. We also listened to Univ of Georgia lose. HA!

We naturally headed straight for our favorite restaurant, Alt Heidelberg. Here, the budding thespians are contemplating the joys of Spezi.
Of course, then there's dessert at one of the bazillion kiosks selling funnel cakes. The consumer bought a ginormous strawberry and cream concoction, which I dutifully gnawed on for a while. Here, a very nice nun (from Cleveland, Ohio!) took our picture. I should have taken her picture, instead. She was smoking Tiparillos. Nice.
Incidentally, any clues about why a Bavarian/Swiss town is flying the Mexican flag? Maybe you can find the answer at the very first restaurant in town. Casa de Pepe. Jeez. I like Mexican food as much as the next person, but you don't see Warner Brothers cartoons at Disney World, ya know?
Edited by me: Hey, I'm a moron. That ain't no Mexican flag. I just realized that, in order, it's France, Bavaria, U.S. , ITALYand that last one I had to look up--Norway (there's actually a Norse collection in the midst of all the German stuff in Helen--go figure). I'm still offended by the tarbaby in the next picture, though.

Speaking of the inexplicable, I actually saw this little statue in town. Does one go up to the homeowners and ask: Where have you been for the past 40 years? Just sayin'.

And finally, thanks for reading this far down in the interminable post of 2006. It was a long day, thus a long post. It ended on a hysterical note, too. This picture is not so great, but it's significant in the historical moment that it represents. We were chatting on the way home and John got lost. He got lost! LOL!!! And the best part is, he admitted it!!! With an announcement, no less. "Hey, you're not going to believe that I think I'm lost."
LOL---ROFLMAO!!! I love this guy.
Maria, as always great pictures. Love the countdown in your site. I have one problem with the watch, the ordination is at 10:30 a.m. instead of 12:00 p.m. but I don't know how to fix that problem in the watch. Blessings! Deacon Jaime
Thanks for fixing it so fast!
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