Who gets up at 6 am on a Saturday? My kids. The rest of the world was sound asleep, but Jonathan and Vicky were on their way to the high school at 6:30 am. Bah! I rolled over and went back to sleep for a couple of hours.
Today was a very full schedule. Jonathan had a math competition somewhere in Atlanta.

And finally, Chris had a home lacrosse game, which means I was there selling concessions.

All in all a very busy day, and mostly victorious. Jonathan performed very well at the competition, and his JV team took the 1st place trophy (with his personal performance being the best on JV). For a bonus, the Varsity team also took 1st.
Vic placed 4th in the speech competition, thus contributing points to the overall team score--they won 1st place, too.
Chris, unfortunately, was unable to pull out a victory in the last part of the game. For the most part, they were in it until the end. I guess they lost steam, or concentration, or drive. Anyway, no excuses, just looking forward to the next game on Monday. That one is important.

Meanwhile, she's nursing another small injury, when her opponent nailed her with the stick right on the crown of her head. My little thespian pulled out her acting skills and got a bit dramatic with a thrown stick and loudly exclaimed, "ouch" -- but to no avail. The official wasn't buying today, but there were two exciting yellow cards against the other team.

I'll go soak my feet now.
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