It's early, I've been up for hours, taken a trip to downtown Atlanta to drop off Vicky at the LEAD Conference, and am having a cup of coffee before taking off with Christy to the high school for round two of the LEAD Conference preparations, which today happens to be peppered by more need to bi-locate. A lacrosse game at 10, Jonathan's set painting at 12, somewhere in there John is going to a Habitat for Humanity ground-breaking, or formal move-in, or something important, which I like to attend, and can't today. Bummer. Now there's a ministry where a lot of hard work gets results, and smiles on move-in day.
Anyway, some pictures to recap the week...Samurai won the game on Wednesday, Junior was recognized at the school board for winning grandchampion in mathematics at the county science fair on Thursday, last night the master sergeant led a lovely color guard, and tonight, sometime after 10, I'll post a picture of me, exhausted, with a drink in my hand.
Toodles. Have a lovely day!
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