9:51 pm
And finally, the day ends. Another loss for the team, but my Samurai came back safely. Better luck on Saturday.

5:34 pm
Waiting, waiting and more waiting. My view from the taxi while waiting for Jonathan to get out of play rehearsal. There's still dinner and Spirit Life tonight at church.
note the engine light, which will cost $300 to reset, as there's nothing wrong with the engine. guess who can ignore the light?

3:51 pm
A depressing visit to the mailbox. A letter from Ga Tech! Not the right one--more garbage from financial aid. Vicky is going to have a stroke any day now.

2:09 pm
I'm sick of grading papers. I'm saturated by laundry. Taking a break with the bane of my existence doesn't seem like a normal thing for me, but it's a lovely afternoon, the sun is shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky, and we both just needed to get out of the house. PJ refused to sit still for a picture, and I'm feeling antsy myself. Of course, no one was around to get the picture of me rolling in the grass.

11:14 am
Where do the socks go? Sock heaven? Launderer's hell? I've got way too much grading to do to look for the missing pairs.

9:13 am
After coffee, reading the news, taking out the garbage, and tidying up the kitchen, it's off to do laundry. Joy!

7:33 am
The morning started with some agitation. Vicky had a test, the siblings not moving fast enough. Christy couldn't find her lacrosse stick and Jonathan was feeding the dogs.
My job just to watch them take off and leave me behind, metaphorically speaking. I'll just have some coffee and contemplate the laundry.
Where do socks go? I know for a fact that aliens love the smell of our socks. They sneek in late at night and steal them.
you make me laugh.
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