Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Are you my baby's Daddy?"

I usually carry my camera around with me, letting it sit between the seats and all the other accumulated garbage that lives in my car. It's convenient, and after so many years of wishing that I had a camera when I encountered something photo-worthy, I finally took my own advice and started carrying it in case I ran into something so amazing and newsworthy that I would be able to sell it to the papers for millions and retire. Or, at least be able to mock it here.

With so many activities this week, lamentably, I didn't have my camera when I stopped at the red light after leaving work. I was fiddling with the radio dial and happened to look casually out my window at a small sign posted in the median. It was one of those illegal signs that my father likes removing (he's a Code Enforcement Officer).

Remember the post I made earlier about demographics, and how we feed into stereotypes and lifestyle choices by promoting negative behavior as moral? You don't? It doesn't matter, I'll repeat myself. It was the bail bonds business called "Free at Last."

Anyway, today's moment of unbelievable bad taste and unquestionably horrid morals, I saw a sign advertising a DNA testing service called, yep, "Who' your baby's Daddy?" I am flabbergasted.

Among the services they provide is a list of lawyers that can help with paternity suits once the parentage has been established. I have nothing to add.

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