I'm sure the Easter Lieutenant will find this ridiculous, but she contributed to my leisure, by chauffeuring me to church last night. Which, by the way, is the longest mass ever, but it does have my favorite: the litany of the saints. I'm still humming it. Does anybody give kids those names anymore? Not being one to sling aspersions at other people for their names (mine really is Bego), I admit that I know someone named Wenceslao, and he's younger than me.
But I digress, I really wanted to give a shout out to the wave of insanity that has struck my friends and family. I'm talking about the increasing list of people on my reading list. Yes, you know who you are, the bloggers and pseudo-bloggers posting daily, or at least monthly on the 12 on 12 game. This has turned out to be fun.
If you scroll down the right panel, at the bottom is a little box that looks like it could be an ad. It's a frappr map--an opportunity for you to log-in your city, and then on a map we can all see what locations this readership represents.
And then, it will no doubt start a slew of frappr maps popping up in the other blogs.
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