Not a normal question for the hour, or the day of the week, but thanks to our parish's youth, a special 6:45 am Mass is celebrated on Wednesdays in Lent. Who needs to give up chocolate? I'm giving up precious sleep, a far more physical sacrifice. But, enough said. One doesn't need to carp about these things, just do them in the correct spirit, right?
Of course, the pancake breakfast and delightful fellowship that follows the Mass makes it a lovely morning all around.
Back at home at 9:00 am, though, I feel like I've already put in a full day. Tackling today's blog is made exceptional thanks to Trini Otero, the sound technician for the middle school musical, Seussical. Trini closed up rehearsal the other night with an awesome CD, and last night he hooked me up with a copy of it. Trini is my new superhero, as the music is incredible. I'm listening to the Spanish Harlem Orchestra as I write, and it's everything I can do to keep from jumping up and dancing. I'm going out and buying all their stuff. Check them out if you get a chance.
Believe me, I'm going to need all the music and inspiration I can get to make it through the day. I'm feeding the cast tonight, and it promises to be a mess. Nachos for everybody! I gotta run to BJ's to get the groceries this morning, and then have everything ready to go by 4:30, so the pirahnas can eat at 5:00. Oh yeah, it's going to be fun.

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