This morning a little while before sunrise I awoke to the distinct feeling that someone was leaning over me in the bed, like when little kids get in your face to see if you are asleep. It goes down hill from there. I proceeded to take the dream equivalent of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. It was definitely a mickey-mouse adventure, only this wasn't Disney World, and Mickey Mouse was nowhere to be seen.
It played more like Twilight Zone or Outer Limits, and featured, of all things, a nun in a navy blue habit that drove a stick shift minivan (burgundy, for anyone keeping count). At one point, she leaned over to me from the back seat to ask who was driving, and I had to somehow jump into the driver's seat. Naturally, the gears were all in the wrong place.
She kept wanting to know the topic of the next That Catholic Show and she was evidently going to drive me around until I spilled the beans. We ended up at the bottom of the Zugspitz, although I recognized the village as a little town outside of Bamberg where John and I used to drink beer and eat awesome meats and cheese. Help!
Finally, I demanded that we return to get my car, which I had inexplicably abandoned by the side of the road. The keys were in the ignition, but someone had taken my cell phone apart and left all the pieces neatly arranged on the bottom shelf of an emergency room crash cart.
I woke up then. It was actually kind of disappointing. I was really getting into the weird adventure, ya know?
My friend and former professor, Gonzalo, a Freudian Psychoanalyst, wouldn't touch this dream with a ten foot pole. Of course, I wouldn't trust anyone with a cat named Mario anyway.
To be sure, I recognize all the elements of craziness going on in my life at the moment. I shouldn't have had that second glass of cabernet sauvignon before going to bed last night. The only thing I don't get is the nun.
Who is the nun?
update: my friends, the Lindas-Squared, pointed out that Blue Nun is a wine. I guess that makes sense. Even as I was drinking that second glass of wine I was thinking that I should switch to white because red gives me heartburn. Hmmm.
"At one point, she leaned over to me from the back seat to ask who was driving, and I had to somehow jump into the driver's seat. Naturally, the gears were all in the wrong place." -
Mi quierda amiga - truly Classic - give me two hours and some coffee at Kaituer. This is going to be fun!
Taking the phone apart into little pieces had to be your litle brother...
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