Round 1 and Round 2 were tacky, but this one is definitely sinking into the abyss of downright ugly.

The ruminations of a mom over a cup of coffee in the morning. Thoughts on motherhood, husbands, work, and all the wonderful and perplexing moments in a woman's life.
oh boy. am i excited about georgia tech housing.
nigel and d spent about half an hour over here just now causing general mayhem and harassing jabba.
the entire drumline is having a rehearsal in my apartment's living room on sunday. all the roomies will be moved in by then.
this is going to be a fun year.
Poor V. :-(
Maria, if you're buying me coffee, you'd better hurry up, I'm only home for another week. Hint hint. *innocent smile* Also, I expect a birthday post this sunday. Just saying.
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