Saturday, May 12, 2007

May 12 of 12 version 2.0

Here we go with another 12 of 12---this one late because the pictures didn't post right. Anyway, it wouldn't be Mother's Day Weekend if John didn't design some way to make me have to work instead of hiding in my room relaxing. Oh well, in the end, the forest is cleaned up and the yard is neater than when we started (not that I don't still have to weed what I so optimistically call the rose bushes).

Anyway, here we go:

A Bobcat gets delivered to the house at 7:50 AM. Somehow, that's not a good sign.

Then, I walk outside to discover they are cutting down another Bradford Pear. Good riddance, I say, those stinky trees! There was much discussion of pulling ropes and leverage and physics...

I just noticed that the truck was precariously close to a potentially falling problem (more on the truck another time--we jack-knifed the trailer and dented the rear panel--oops).

Anyway, the Big Kahuna (the one who in previous posts was seen climbing a tree) has now attacked the tree with a chainsaw.
But go figure, they felled the tree where they wanted it. No children or eaves were harmed in this process.

Meanwhile the wenches tackled the forest that had grown in the pool. I failed to take a picture of it, but we did find some squirrel bones. Hmmm. Remember that clean-up, Linda?

After a long day of weeding, The Missing One camped out in the living room with a Harry Potter marathon (and dinner at Red Lobster with Daddy).
While I went with the goobers to Sonic, in the rain, where we made the waitress or whatever she's called bring us our order...
And we sang silly songs and then we went to the theater to watch Superman.

And even though I'm an old broad, I still think Toby Maguire is hot.

PS--I know I said Superman. You know you understood me to mean Spiderman. Get over it. It's just a bunch of guys in tights. After all, Brandon Routh is pretty hot, too.


Anonymous said...

You went to see Spiderman, not Superman! Was the something Freudian there?

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures! :) Thanks for sharing!

Paige said...

Wow - busy day. I can't decide if I want to know more about the forest in the pool or not...squirrel bones?!? I would like to see Spiderman 3, but I'll have to wait until I am in the U.S. I suppose. Great post!
~ CC

Linda G said...

EWWW the squirrel's watery grave! Some memories linger far too long.

Glad you had an eventful day.

Our Mother's day was Saturday at the New World of Coke for the worker bees and former workers bees tour. I highly recommend it, much better than the first one. There is a bottling facility on site and the history section is now punctuated with plasma screen video clips as well as the written word and displays.

Bonus - if you take Miss Annie or another "alum" you get 1/2 off and of course score a discount at the score as well...I'm tempted to rent her out : )

Zippy said...

Spiderman, Superman - hey, I totally understand!