Another 12 of 12 brought to you by Chad--check out
the instructions and other very cool people who play along. In a nutshell--our day represented by 12 photographs.

Sometime before 7 am I figured that I better look professional. I'm up against an all-day seminar, so the pictures are gonna be morning and evening heavy. It's not like a notepad could be fascinating. Anyway, here's my fancy gray suit that makes me feel like a banker. Maybe I can entertain myself by pretending to be Scully. Only, I don't have red hair.

It's 7:30 and I'm running late and I realize I HAVE NO GAS! I hate pumping gas in nice clothes. That's why I have children--to pump gas and do other menial things.

At about that same time I realized that the thing poking me in the thigh was a crucifix from a rosary that I had left in the pocket. Ok, I was gonna pray anyway. This one looks a bit like a reject--it's about 2 feet around, just a tad big, doncha think?

8:50-ish I thought I'd get the last picture of me looking alert and happy before being sucked into a 7-hour black hole. Still not feeling the Scully thing, but then again, my partner ain't exactly Mulder. I suppose that's a good thing.

After finally emerging at around 4, I am ready to abandon my post and head home.

Is it too much to ask for that one day I could avoid the exhaust from these Cheese Wagons?

This old gentleman caught my eye at a red light. I won't mock him, he was just so diligent to move at his slow pace, but he was moving, and I think that's great. Don't read anything into it beyond that. I hope one day when I am old that I won't be thwarted by a cane and keep my independence as long as possible. Go old man!
At 6 pm I decide to make chili because a) it's cold outside, b) it's a tasty meal, c) it was the only thing that was thawed. If you guessed A or B, you are wrong.

7 pm I got around to listening to the Rosary Army podcast. It's about goats, which is only marginally better than olive oil. These guys are out of control. You should give them a listen.

8 pm I got a sound card for my computer. Hurray. Jonathan is installing it now. I can finally stop squatting on other people's 'puters.

9 pm Christy came home from a long day at school--here's her lacrosse gear---and here--is THE NEW STAGE MANAGER for next year's musical! The list was posted today, (and Jonathan got a nice part, too). She's practicing her pained looked of anger, disgust, and angst for when things start to get ugly.

The bonus is LOVE and this definition of love isn't necessarily the one people are looking for. It's a cheat, since it was taken in January, but if you pay attention, you'll recognize the guy...teehee. This love is about the love of art, and the drive for doing things that bring joy and the fulfillment of doing something well and that you're good at. This is Christy at the state thespian conference, and she came home so pumped and so "in love" with what she enjoys doing, that's it's the right picture for the spot this month. She's with Chad Darnell, one of the speakers at the conference. Christy says he was funny, and honest, and full of all kinds of useful advice, such as "Don't audition with 'I will Survive.' " I'm sure that makes sense to somebody.

P.S. Thanks for the picture, Chad, it's hanging in my home office. You rock!
Great job!
That is so cool, great pictures!
Nice pics! :)
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