Got up way late because frankly, I just stared at the ceiling instead of getting up. It's 7 am, and I'm still not out of the house, even though I have a class at 8:20
I was further delayed because I knew I wouldn't have time to stop at my favorite QuikTrip for the best coffee ever. So I made my own latte, with whole milk (heresy! but it tastes so good) and now that I think of it, a cuter picture would have been my tiny espresso pot, but whatever, I was still a bit groggy at 7.
So I hit the road, it's still dark outside, and what do I encounter? A train. Of course. Because the people who run trains obviously feel that the best time to ride through a city moving slowly (may I quote Miranda Priestly--AT THE SPEED OF A GLACIER!) is during rush hour at like, 7:45 am.
After working diligently for many hours, and feeling that I had had about all I could take, I ran away for a bit and had a human lunch, instead of wolfing down some disgusting frozen salt mine (have you read the label on those things? 93% of your recommended daily intake of sodium). No wonder I have high blood pressure. I will refrain from putting down a time, as it could be incriminating.

Went to pick up the kids (plural), and only found one. She wasn't happy to see me. Actually, the face is a reaction to the roaring engine. Something is wrong with the car. It was lurching and revving, and generally not very safe sounding. Shortly after this picture was taken, I pulled into a spot to wait for the other one to get out of a meeting, and the car sounded like it was going to take off and lurched again.
I called the knight in shining armor to pick me up at the mechanic, who is just a little ways down the street.
So I took a nap and drooled...
While "The Good One" played with the camera and took pictures of weird visions in the sky. I would say it looks like the Anarchy symbol, but she got all excited about The Scarlet Letter, which she just read last semester, so in a moment of geeky joy, took the picture to her teacher, who immediately got all giddy and joyous about...some clouds.

So my last three pictures from my day are as follow: a cute shot of the boy watching a movie with the dog, me scarfing down some oreos, and a picture of the movie I'm going to watch. The pictures are fabulous. Blogger is being a bitch, and I can't upload them. Went to flickr to post them from there. Nothing. Nada. Not to make excuses, but this is why there wasn't a 12 of 12 in December. So, use your imagination. Or don't. I don't care. I'm frustrated, and tired, and I'm going to bed--it's been a long day.
still watching and still love ya all happy new yr and take things easy
Great Pictures, como siempre!
I bought "Ray" the other day, so I hope it's good!
Helen (fellow 12 of 12er)
Nice pics! Thanks for sharing!! :)
Fabulous photos! I really love the "refrigerator bonding" bit. Hee! So cute!
Nice pictures! QT does have good coffee! I really enjoyed Ray when I saw it.
Nice job. I like the cloud pic & the fun you had with it & your kids.
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