OK, it was more like a less dramatic implosion. I got home on Friday afternoon, and it was dead. Deader than dead. It had no juice. My knight in shining armor went and bought a new power supply on Saturday afternoon, but it didn't work. Dead. Where's the coroner to sign the death certificate?
My hero will attempt one last cannibalistic trick to rescue the harddrive, but I fear the worst. I've lost all the pictures since the last back up disk, but you know what? I'm not even upset about it. Whatever. I save and save and save, but never do anything with all those saved things.
I'm really working on the zen of reducing all my things to fit into my trunk. Of course, I count my trunk as everything behind the driver's seat in my van, but hey, it's a start, right?
Meanwhile, click on over to Rosary Army and read my rant of the day, precisely on materialism and the myth of the perfect Christmas decoration. And while you're there, why doncha make a donation. They're the only people who actually let me write for them regularly.
Lo siento, Maria!
Did you have "Darknet" backed up?
Oh my dear Rob YES I had it backed up. All 25,000 words. Clearly I didn't make it at the end, but I got a good chunk in, so I'm satisfied.
I learned that back up lesson in the early 90's, that historical/hysterical time before PCs were the norm, and floppy drives were still...floppy. And the mouse was still...cavorting in Kissimmee.
Ironically, the power supply died in that 'puter, too. Hmmm, getting a complex here. It must be my magnetic personality. Anyway, totally lost my thesis the week it was due. I only had a hardcopy printed, so I had to enter that whole monstrosity into my dad's computer. Let's just say, lesson learned.
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