Wasn't Shatner, um, Captain Kirk "hot" back in the day? I choose not to see the bloated pictures of an old guy. Except, I suppose we all get old and bloated, huh?
Anyway, there are probably tributes all over the web today. While I admit to being a fan of the franchise, I've never attended one of the various conventions held for sci-fi freaks. Does that make me a lesser fan? Um, how about it keeps me in the realm of the normal spectrum.
Nevertheless, I admit to having dressed up in a gold command uniform about a hundred years ago when I was teaching yearbook. I do believe there is a picture, too, but you're never gonna see that here.
My real love was for Voyager, until "Boobs-in-Space" came aboard, and the series shifted away from Captain Janeway and became all about that stupid Playboy-Bunny-in-Space. I thought Janeway was a compelling character, conflicted, like all good heroes. Then the writers ruined it by having her do something that contradicted everything she had stood for: she went back in time to save Seven of Nine. Sheesh. I guess you could argue that makes her human. I think that makes the writers stupid. Just sayin'.
I'm over it. She's still my favorite captain.
Live long and prosper!
There will be no Star Wars references in this post.
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Princess leia. Slave girl outfit.
'nuff said.
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