So it's 9:30 and all I've done this morning is throw in a hunk of roast into the crock pot. I have to teach my afternoon class, which means I'm outta here in a couple of hours, but I've wasted the last hour playing around on an internet face recognition thingie that Vicky discovered. You upload your face, and it matches your features.
I look like Nicole Kidman. OK, right. I also look like Margaret Atwood. She's a writer, so somehow that pleases me, except that maybe it wasn't all that flattering after all. But, there's no denying the messy, frizzy hair.
And then...it said I look like Peter Sellers and Elvis Costello. I WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF DOING LAUNDRY! At least I would have had clean clothes, instead of a complex.
Not to be denied the mockery element, I ran a picture of John. He came out looking like Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter) and Dean Martin. DEAN MARTIN! I tried again. Peter Ustinov. Yeah. That was better. If he thought Nicole Kidman was in left field, then I wasn't stopping until I found something as awful as Peter Sellers. To my joy, Alfred Hitchcock also came up for him. There. I'm done. I'm a happy camper now.
Give it a try here. It's free.
1 comment:
Check out my blog to see what I came up with. It was interesting...I am quite the wo"man" of a thousand faces.
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