on the road to work, praying a rosary for all of you guys playing along today

7:00 am
realizing that maybe driving in pumps not a great idea

7:28 am
arriving at work and parking in front of my favorite tree (pathetic, but brings me joy!)

10:00 am
class is finished, so I have time to catch up on the news, although, not quite sure why grillz are newsworthy
2:10 pm
random moment of the day, a student walks in to investigate my chairs (in the presidential suite). she claims to be a "homeowner" and needing to furnish the house. not quite sure what she wanted with my chairs, they are pretty ugly and cheap
2:50 pm
on a rescue mission to take Vic back to Tech to pick up her wallet, which she lost, and due to the star on her a** was recovered with everything in it, even the cash.
the name of the street not lost on her
4:00 pm
and who could miss an opportunity to pose in front of Tech Tower, while I was double parked and holding up traffic (not really, no one in sight)
5:10 pm
finally home, and LOOK, I can park in the garage (thanks to my honies that finally cleaned it out)
7:05 pm
browning some meat for dinner: burritos
7:30 pm
yummy, indigestion
8:54 pm
pleased with myself for figuring out how to post pictures to blogger when blogger doesn't want to cooperate.
OMG! I love your bonus pic(s). That is a neat trick. How did you do that?
Very cool.
Aw... I remember the ATL DJs doing a bit about "Leroy of Luckie Street." Dang... that seems like forever ago.
Happy 12 of 12!
the megaphone? nice try. I took it, baby.
It looks like we both made burritos for 12-of-12 day! Yea to Latino cuisine!
I want some burritos too!
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