Spring is here! The trees and flowers in the neighborhood are blooming, so I thought I'd just share my morning with you. These are all on the way down to the lake; my favorite is the purple at the bottom of the hill. A Magnolia? How Southern.
The truth is, I would fail any tree identifying trek. I just call 'em the pretty pink one, the pretty yellow one, the pretty purple one.

Except the white ones. I know the name of that one. Bradford Pear. They are everywhere, and to see them from afar you might say, what a lovely bloom! And then you get up close to it, and get assaulted by the stench. Ewwww.

There are tons of them, everywhere. In fact, at the middle school the entire driveway is lined with these beautiful trees. Unfortunately, the kids are dropped off and picked up in that line of trees. The kids are blunt in that way that is special to middle schoolers. Ask any one of them and they'll tell you what the trees smell like.
What's that? You want to know what they say it smells like? Ok, you asked for it. Crotch. It opens up a whole set of questions that I prefer not to go into, but yes, indeed, it does smell like old sweaty clothes. Like you, I am taken aback by their description, however accurate it might be. I guess it's because the trees are packed densely, and the scent is overpowering.

The prettiest trees, though, are the Cherry Blossoms, but they haven't bloomed yet. Keep an eye out for that post in the coming weeks.
Cheers to you all on this lovely spring day. I hope your day is as full of promise as mine.
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