Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Cars that go crash in the night...and why really old people shouldn't drive

It was inevitable--the panicked phonecall to Daddy. Vicky was hit last night on the way home from school. No one was hurt, and the damage to the car is neglible, or bad, depending on what the insurance adjuster says ( a dent in the wheel well and a scratch down the back quarter panel. To look at it, it doesn't seem like much).

Nevertheless, the local constabulary came out and did their thing. John went to give her moral support and do his thing. I stayed home and stewed and fretted, which pretty much amounts to me doing my thing.

A good time was had by all.

Anyway, it was a harmless fender bender full of good lessons. It was an impact with impact. Ha! I crack myself up with my loquaciousness. One hopes she will be ever so much more vigilant and willing to anticipate that there are morons all over the place ready to do something stupid.

In this case, a 70 year old guy, probably with failing eyesight, decided to back out of his driveway without checking to see if there was a car coming. He wasn't going too fast, and neither was Vic, which is probably why things turned out well.

No pics though, Vic probably thinks it's bad enough I posted about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sucks...glad to hear Vicky was fine. :)